Moving house
Are you moving to a different address within the Municipality of ’s-Hertogenbosch? Or are you moving from a different municipality in the Netherlands to ’s-Hertogenbosch? Please notify the municipality of your new address in time: a maximum of 28 days before you move house or no later than 5 days thereafter. If you notify the municipality after you have moved house, the change of address will come into effect on the day of the notification. Your details will be amended no later than 5 working days after the removal date. You may check your details on the website Mijn Overheid. You need your DigiD login code for this purpose.
The personal details held on record by the municipality are used by many government organisations. This ranges from the Tax and Customs Administration to the school attendance officer. It is important that your details are correct in order to prevent unpleasant surprises.
If you move to a different municipality, you need to notify your new municipality.
Who may notify the municipality?
- You, if you are over 16 years of age.
- For a child under the age of 16: the parent, guardian or carer.
- A parent and an adult child may notify the municipality on each other’s behalf when they move to the same address.
- Husband and wife or registered partners, when they move to the same address.
- A guardian, if you are subject to a guardianship order.
- The head of a healthcare institution, if the patient is not able to notify the municipality.
Changing address
You can change your address online.
Did you notify the municipality online, but do you have a correction? Please send an e-mail using the digital contact form (in Dutch).
Moving from abroad
Are you moving to ’s-Hertogenbosch from abroad (immigration)? Or are you going to spend at least 4 out of the next 6 months in the Netherlands? Then you will need to register with the municipality in person within 5 days upon arrival. For more information, go to the page Moving from abroad to ’s-Hertogenbosch.
Are you leaving the Netherlands for more than 8 months or definitively? Please notify the municipality. You may do this 4 weeks before leaving, but no later than on the day of your departure. Use the emigration form.
Proof of departure
Do you need a certificate of deregistration from the Netherlands? Please contact an RNI municipality via the website Rijksdienst voor Ideniteitsgegevens.
Further information
For more information, contact the municipality of ’s-Hertogenbosch by telephone or WhatsApp +31 73 615 51 55 or send an e-mail using the digital contact form (in English).